From The Trail
When it comes to coffee while backpacking, especially with an ultralight setup, there are many ways to go, but usually, it comes down to mediocre, bland instant coffee (mainly Starbucks Via), but does it have to? Might be a splash...
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Nice landing. Is there something familiar about that helicopter? We have some really cool news about our manufacturing partner Goodwinds Composites! Along with them making our carbon fiber tubes for our new Cnoc trekking poles, they are also providing...
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Poles are now available for purchase! When I started Cnoc Outdoors in 2016, my plan was to make the best carbon poles on the market. We began by making the Vertex poles, in the same way as everyone else—sourcing from China, where the infrastructure...
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Deb Malkin is a fat-positive massage therapist from the Bay Area who hiked Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania this March with the Curvy Kili Crew, a group of 20 plus-sized adventuresome women.
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Good day, SOBOs. During my 772 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail in 2018, I thought I would share my experience in the first AT SOBO 450 miles. This region is in my backyard.
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