Trail Triumph: Ashley Samuel and the Appalachian Trail

Trail Triumph: Ashley Samuel and the Appalachian Trail

Woman sitting on Katahdin summit sign

Meet Ashley Samuel. She section hiked the AT in Georgia from January through March and resumed her hike from Franklin, NC, on April 4. Ashely summited Katahdin on September 14. We followed her adventure on Instagram (appropriately her name is rainyhikes) and caught up with her by email.

What Cnoc gear were you carrying and why?

I carried the orange Vecto 2L because it was a lightweight option with a flexible body I could roll up and easily store in my backpack.

What was your go-to camp meal?

My go-to meal camp was the All-American Works burger meal from PackIt Gourmet. 

What was the most exciting part of your journey?

I loved meeting hikers and locals, and going into the towns. Some of the nicest people were the hitches into town.

What was the hardest?

It was hardest during the summer months when the temperature was scorching hot, but you had to get miles done. Also, the White Mountains in New Hampshire!

How did you keep going?

Good friends I met along the way, KT tape, and electrolytes kept me going.

What is your advice for people who want to hike the AT?

It may not be what you think. Get out there, do a section, test your gear and your mental strength. Day-, section-, and thru-hiking all have their positives and each are fun in their own way. Just be sure to honor LNT and keep the trail beautiful!

Thank you, Ashley! Enjoy your well-deserved rest and you next time on the trail.

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